Naturalization / Citizenship

Naturalization / Citizenship

U.S. Citizenship can be obtained in several matters. Birth in the U.S., Naturalization and as a derivative child are the 3 manners that allow immigrants to claim U.S. Citizenship. Naturalization is the manner in which a person not born in the United States voluntarily becomes a U.S. citizen. Derivative Citizenship <may be considered for to children born outside of the U.S. in situations where a parent naturalizes prior to their 18th birthday. In these cases, children of naturalized U.S. Citizens automatically become Citizens of the U.S. This is a very complicated area in which our team has much experience.


Basic elements required for Naturalization applicants:

333 N. Oakley Blvd. #3SW, Chicago, IL 6060    |    
Ph. (312) 300 6807 F. (312) 660 8807
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